Our Company

The Springhill Freshwater Co. is the only company to bottle real Muskoka water. Locally owned and operated, we are exclusively focused on serving Muskoka.

Our commitment to environmental sustainability was recognized by the Town of Huntsville through the presentation of their 'Environment Award'. The award recognized Springhill's "ongoing efforts to preserve and protect our natural environment".

Quality & Safety

We are also highly dedicated to ensuring the safety and quality of the products we produce. The extent of our efforts were recognized by the C.B.W.A. (Canadian Bottled Water Association) with the presentation of their 'Excellence in Manufacturing' award. The Springhill Freshwater Co. qualified for this distinguished honour by achieving a plant and food safety audit score of 97%.

In April 2009, we were again recognized for our commitment to excellence being named the Huntsville/Lake of Bay Chamber of Commerce 'New Business of the Year'.


Springhill Fresh Water Company was awarded an Environment Award by the Town of Huntsville, in recognition of our outstanding efforts to preserve and protect our natural environment.

These efforts have provided inspiration and leadership towards achieving a comprehensive vision within our community aimed at supporting a sustainable environment.

The source of Springhill Water is located on site, this means that water is not unnecessarily trucked to the site from other areas, thereby not using precious fuel and creating an excess of pollution.

Water is heavy and costly to transport, so SFC prefers to deliver locally. Special orders are shipped in the most practical way with the environment always a concern.

We plan for our spring water to be a great asset and benefit for our community for many generations.

2010 G8 Leaders Summit

Springhill is proud to be a part of the 2010 G8 Leaders Summit and G20 Summit held in Toronto.

On June 25 & 26, 2010, Huntsville hosted the 2010 G8 Summit of World Leaders. The Huntsville community came together to ensure that we not only succeeded in welcoming the world, but also maximizing this amazing opportunity to facilitate growth, progress, and prosperity.

Springhill Fresh Water Company provided it's water to both the Huntsville and Toronto G8 events. A specialized bottle was designed especially for the worldwide public events.
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